How’s your growth mindset? Take this 10-statement survey to find out.

Developed by Beyond Insurance, the Growth Mindset Index™ (GMI) serves as a personal gauge of assumptions, methods, beliefs, and attitudes as they relate to the five distinguishing qualities of a growth mindset.

Quiz: Do You Have a Growth Mindset?


45 to 50: Outstanding! You possess a growth-oriented mindset that enables you to actualize your goals, dreams, ambitions and gains.

40 to 44: Very Good. Your mindset is open to exploring new concepts to help you maximize your potential.

35 to 39: Good. You are beginning to realize the benefits of a growth mindset and its impact on your performance.

34 or less: Your mindset is fixed. Shifting to a growth mindset will give you enhanced control over the outcomes of your efforts.

Reposted from the May 2020 issue of Rough Notes magazine with permission.