Agent for the Future™
Webinar: Master the Customer and Renewal Experience with Automation
Watch the replayThe Agent-Customer Connection: Gaps and Opportunities in the Hard Market
While 70% of agents say they proactively discuss market conditions with their clients, only 20% of IA customers said they first heard about their rate increase from their agent. Read our research report to learn more about how agents and customer experience the hard market, and learn how to close the communication gap.
Agent for the Future™ exists to help independent insurance agents succeed now and in the future.
Agent for the Future is a free resource offered by Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance to drive success and innovation in the entire independent agency system.
At Agent for the Future, we believe in the enduring value of independent agents. We believe that the agencies that thrive in the future will be those who are willing to adapt and innovate. We offer actionable insights to help agencies evolve, grow, and find their next right step toward transformation