Everyone has different strengths in helping drive innovation in their agencies. What role will you play in transforming your agency? Take this quiz created by Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance to find out.
Everyone has different strengths in helping drive change in their agencies. What type of insurance innovator are you? Take our quiz to find out.
How do you go about implementing new programs or technology projects?
Where do you most often look for new ideas?
How do you feel when you hear the word “disruption”?

What is your top priority at conferences and industry events?
Where are you likely to have discussions about innovation?
What is your insurance product spirit animal?

What’s your main strategy for growing your agency?
How do you pick a restaurant for a night out?
How do you get your team on board with a new idea?
Which reality TV show would you be most likely to appear on?

What's your role in your agency?
What is your age?
Complete the form below to see results