New research from Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance revealed how independent insurance agents use digital tools and how digital capabilities are impacting agencies.
The research revealed some misconceptions about digital capabilities in insurance agencies. Can you tell fact from fiction? Take this quiz to find out.
New research from Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance revealed some surprising facts about how independent insurance agents use digital tools. How well do you know digital agencies? Take this quiz to find out.
Digital adoption has little effect on agency growth
A large percentage of independent agents are using video to communicate with clients
Which of these digital capabilities is most correlated with high agency revenue growth?

Large agencies tend to have more digital capabilities
Most agencies are planning to invest more in digital marketing in 2021
Roughly what percentage of agencies plan to continue some element of remote work after COVID-19?

Highly digital agencies are hiring more than low adopters
Digital tools will eventually replace agents
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