The more you give, the more you get. To some, it’s just an old saying, but any independent agent with a charitable giving program will tell you it’s true.
Whether you’re donating time or money, getting involved with local nonprofits helps you understand what the people in your community are going through. It helps you strengthen relationships and build countless new ones. It makes your agency better.

Click here to read the full report on how agents give back in their communities.
Recent research on community giving conducted by Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance in partnership with the Big “I” showed that altruism is the leading reason agents give back, finding that an overwhelming 96% of independent agents donate to charity. Also, more than half said their charitable giving has increased referrals to their agency.
With so many benefits, it’s no wonder agents are outpacing other small businesses when it comes to charitable contributions, with only 75% of all small businesses giving to charity, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Whether you’ve been giving back for a while or you’re just getting started, here are four ways to amplify your impact:
Follow the lead of someone at your agency
If someone at your agency is already involved with a local nonprofit, rally behind them with resources. Investing in organizations that matter to your employees helps boost morale and build camaraderie.
Get clients involved
Survey your clients to learn which nonprofits are important to them. Choose which ones resonate with you and start a client referral program where you donate $5 for every referral you get. This shows clients you’re listening and invested in the community long term.
Volunteer as a team
Liberty Mutual and Safeco research revealed that hands-on involvement is considered just as important as financial support, with 92% of survey respondents donating time and 94% donating money. Volunteering is a great team-building opportunity and allows employees to build individual relationships within the community.
Use your voice
Many agents are shy about promoting their charity work, but it’s one of the best ways to generate awareness about your nonprofit partner. When you volunteer, upload a few photos to your agency’s Facebook and tag the nonprofit. Instead of focusing your communications on your agency, keep them centered on the nonprofit and its impact.
The future of charitable giving is looking bright for everyone. As many as 65% of the agencies that participated in our research intend to volunteer the same amount of time in the coming year, and 29% plan to volunteer even more. As a result, communities will be healthier, employees will be happier and independent agencies will continue to thrive.
Keep investing in the community that invests in you. As your business grows, see if your charitable giving can, too.
This article was originally published on IA magazine.